1. Extension basics | Inspiring positive change
You will learn:
- What is extension
- Best practice extension design
- Tips and tricks – how to have impact
- Develop a plan for your project
2. Project design & program logic
A deep dive into how you will achieve your outcomes:
- What is program logic and why you need it
- Define the problem and create a clear pathway to solving the problem
- How to describe your project and outcomes
3. Understanding your audience
Learn how to help farmers make positive change:
- Identify who needs to make changes
- Understand their potential to change
- Tailor your extension methods to suit different learning styles
- Strategies to increase practice change
4. How to monitor & demonstrate success
Set yourself up for success from the start and simplify reporting:
- Understand why we monitor and evaluate
- Select the best ways to monitor outputs and outcomes
- Use program logic to develop monitoring, evaluation and reporting plans
5. Getting your message heard
Promote your work and tell a great story
- Fundamentals of effective communication
- Developing a communication plan
- Creating a media release and social content
- Working smarter with comms teams
Optional extras
- Presenting in front of a group
- Media interview training
6. Facilitating groups
Get the most out of your groups:
- Work with groups to identify group objectives
- Stimulate ideas and opportunities
- Manage different opinions, learning styles and personalities within a group